The two activities Zipline and Powerfan make the visit a leisure adventure and an unforgettable experience with friends, family or work colleagues.

Season opening: 03.05.2023

MAI, SEPTEMBER & OCTOBER: Fri & Sat 3-5 pm, Sun 1-3 pm
Fri & Sat 5-7 pm, Sun 1-3 pm

End of season: 13.10.2024

Zipline & Powerfan

A SPIDER ROCK XL ticket is valid for one activity per person. The tickets can be used individually, so the final decision must first be made on site. Via the red button „Book appointment & vouchers“ you will find more about the bookable dates, requirements for participation and other important information in our webshop.


Flying is beautiful! At the 380-meter-long Zipline, visitors float through the air either alone or in pairs over the U2 and the harbor basin of the marina to land safely in front of the marina restaurant.


If you want to increase the level of adrenaline for the day, you can prove your mental strength on the Powerfan™ with a controlled 36 meter drop – to land at the foot of the SPIDER ROCK XL Tower after an almost free fall (controlled drop).

Who can participate?

Weight limit: FlyingFox: 100 kg | PowerFan™: 120 kg (depending on wind conditions)

Persons aged 14 and over with physical and health fitness and signed Terms of use.

Young people under the age of 16 should bring the signature of a parent or legal guardian – i.e. a parent or legal guardian in person or a printed and signed terms of use.

Good to know

Sporty clothing is an advantage.

Spectators are welcome.

Please try to arrive 15 minutes before your booked time.

Safety ALWAYS comes first!

All the things that you are not allowed to take with you on the Spider Rock XL for safety reasons can be safely stored in a locker.

You are only allowed to take your mobile phone or camera with you on the Spider Rock XL if you can attach it to you or your safety equipment. If we are not convinced, the mobile phone or camera unfortunately has to stay in the locker.

As an outdoor activity, it might happen that the weather doesn't play along!

If, despite making an appointment, the experience is not possible at short notice (e.g. heavy rain, too strong wind or thunderstorms), we will contact you.

TIP: We therefore recommend that you indicate an alternative date in the comment field when booking. Otherwise, your ticket will become a voucher again if your appointment is canceled and you can book a new appointment online yourself at a later date!

Your planning doesn't allow for a postponement?

In the check-out of our online shop below, you can select the option "Fix booker" and in the case of an appointment cancellation on our part, you will receive the value of the booked ticket back again.

Arrival and meeting point

Spider Rock XL, Handelskai 343/Gate 15, 1020 Vienna, Austria

Meeting point is right at the foot of the Spider Rock XL

Public transport: U2 station Donaumarina – exit Donaumarina

PKW: Coming via A23 – exit Handelskai
Access from Handelskai leads over the bridge at the Hilton Danube (follow the signs to Marina Wien)


APCOA Parking Marina Wien along the west basin of the marina
APCOA parking garage Donaumarina in the Wehlistrasse
Parktiger P&R Donaumarina in the Chrastekgasse



and it says you should contact the organizer for an appointment? Then please forward the pdf with the code to us by Mail You will receive the code unlocked and instructions on how to book your desired date here.

Contact us:

Are you planning a special event, are you a larger group or do you have questions about individual combinations of our activities? You are an agency or reseller and have questions about our modalities for cooperation?
Please direct your request to: Some things are easier to discuss over the phone. Call us at: +43 676 91 94 606