Rent a rock. Rent a SPIDER ROCK

Eine mobile Kletterwand mieten – einzigartig in Echtfelsoptik

Für ihre Veranstaltung stehen drei verschiedenen Modelle zur Auswahl.

Eine mobile Kletterwand mieten bietet nicht nur ein eindrucksvolles Erlebnis, sondern ermöglicht einen individuell angepassten Werbeauftritt für ihre Veranstaltung.

Warum eine mobile Kletterwand mieten?

You are planning an event and are looking for yourself or your customers:

  • a challenging activity in a safe environment
  • A sport to try-out on site
  • Fun and action
  • an unmissable highlight
  • suitable for individual branding
  • Link your product or brand to an active experience
  • for all ages from 4 years
  • suitable for a wide range of target groups
  • also exciting for the audience

SpiderRock 1

Two lighter sides and a minimally overhanging front offer the right challenge for a wide range of target groups.

Information on the size and required installation space can be found in our Data sheet.


The mobile climbing wall with a height of 10.2 meters is modeled after natural limestone rock. 3 people can climb at the same time. The two easier sides, as well as the first 2/3 of the front, offer an exciting challenge even for beginners. The highlight is the 1.40 meter overhang in the uppermost area, where even experienced athletes have to prove their skills.

Informationen zur Größe und benötigten Aufstellfläche finden sich in unserem Data sheet

Sie suchen nach noch etwas mehr Action? Der Spider Rock 3 ist auch in Kombination mit einem Flying-Fox buchbar. Mehr  Informationen dazu finden sich here

Spider Rock 2 Kletterturm Platzbedarf und Sicherungsbereich


The mobile climbing wall with a height of 7.6 meters is modeled after natural limestone rock. 3 people can climb at the same time. The front with its 40 cm overhang at the top, as well as two simpler sides offer the right challenge for young and old.

Information on the size and required installation space can be found in our Data sheet

Spider Rock special - Emmi Werbeaktion am Donauinselfest

Spider Rock 3 special

Are you looking for action and a large advertising space for your event? The Spider Rock 3 can be combined with an advertising tower, which has an advertising space of 220m².

Possible with or without Zipline.

Who are the climbing walls suitable for?

for all ages from 4 years

Suitable for a wide variety of target groups who want to try climbing, or for more experienced people who are looking for an experience and like to take on a challenge.

Good to know

Sporty clothing is an advantage, but not a must – you can also climb in a suit or swimwear! If the shoes are not suitable, they can also be taken off.

Safety ALWAYS comes first!

The participants will be admitted individually to our fenced-off security area directly around the climbing wall and secured and supervised by our certified team. Depending on the size of the event, we recommend 2-4 employees.

Planning and Procedure

We will be happy to advise you in advance whether the space you have in mind at your event is suitable for a climbing wall.

The installation site must be a flat, solid surface (meadow, asphalt, unpaved), the access to which has the required clearance dimensions and the installation area the necessary height (attention to trees, spans, etc.).

The climbing wall is delivered, assembled and dismantled by us.

Bookable with or, if you have certified(*) supervisors available, even without a support team.

Including equipment (ropes, harnesses, belay devices)

(*) geprüft: “Übungsleiter Klettern” oder eine ähnliche Ausbildung

Audit book

Of course, an audit book with the documentation of the annual inspection, the official documents and liability insurance are available.

Für die jährlichen Abnahmen und für Sonderlösungen oder spezielle Anforderungen an den Aufstellungsort arbeiten wir eng mit dem Ziviltechnikerbüro unseres Vertrauens zusammen.

Full Service

As a full-service provider, we only need a place assigned by you – we take care of everything else!

Mobile Kletterwand mieten – Eventgallerie

Contact us:

Sie planen eine Veranstaltung, Werbe- oder Marketingkampagne und möchten als unübersehbare Aktivstation eine mobile Kletterwand mieten ?

You are an agency or reseller and have questions about our modalities for cooperation?

Please direct your request to:

Some things are easier to discuss over the phone. Call us at:

+43 676 91 94 606